I started writing Jessica’s Gift back in 2015 after attending a conference where the founder of The Compassionate Friends, was speaking. In his speech Canon Simon Stephens said ‘Although there are many books on grief, there are not enough books written by bereaved parents', adding, 'We need more books to be written by bereaved parents, in order to help others who will follow in ‘our’ footsteps’.
The original title for my manuscript was ‘Jessica – A Mother’s Journey through Grief’, however, Célestine Hitiura Vaite, my first editor, returned the original manuscript with the suggestion of a name change. Célestine suggested Jessica’s Gift.
I liked it.
I wanted the book launch to be held on Jessica’s birthday. The first date I chose was in October 2018, then 2019, but it was not quite ready on either occasion. I really thought it would work for Jess’s 29th birthday in October, 2020, but things didn’t align properly, yet again. Instead, I went with one of the next most important dates – one of her brothers’ birthday’s. Dylan’s birthday is just a few weeks after Jess’s. It worked well. The book launch was held at Mollymook Reserve, just a few metres up from the beach, at 11.00am on 22/11/2020. The numbers aligned perfectly. It was a beautiful day.

After the book launch

What a crazy couple of months its been since then - it’s been go, go, go. In the first few weeks after the launch, I drove to Sydney and knocked on bookstore doors in The Shire, Northern Beaches, Eastern Suburbs and west as far as the Blue Mountains, enquiring if they might be interested in reading and reviewing Jessica's Gift, with the possibility of stocking it. It was roughly a 95% success rate. On the following weekends I drove back to all those bookstores to deliver the requested books.

I’ve travelled a few thousand kilometres since then - in March, 2021 I drove just over 2,300km, all the way to Brisbane, calling in to as many bookstores as I could along the way. This time I had a bit of funk in my stride – I introduced myself and my story and then with a positive attitude, I said ‘I don't want to sound presumptuous, but going by past experience, I’m thinking you will want to stock my book, and since I’m a long way from home, I’ll leave four books with you, and if, after reviewing the book you are not interested, I will then send you a reply-paid postpack’….. explaining it’s the same price to post one book, as it is to post four books. I left most bookstores with four copies of Jessica’s Gift. I did the same thing on a book promotional tour in May 2021, this time I drove south to Melbourne, racking up another 2,000 plus kilometres. Most bookstores have been supportive and are happy to stock and promote Jessica’s Gift. Mind you, there were a handful of stores that chose not to stock my book, plus I have sent one reply-paid postage pack to a store in Melbourne, and that is totally fine – you can’t win them all.

It’s been such a privilege being asked to do book signings at some stores: Dymocks Neutral Bay, BookNook2577 in beautiful Robertson, Woollahra Bookshop, Collins Booksellers, Sale.
It’s a tough gig when you are a self-published author, you have to work extra hard to sell yourself, and that's not easy, especially with the topic. I stand outside the bookstore for a few moments, draw in a deep breath, then I walk in and ask to speak with the owner/manager. The first response from most people is 'Wow, that's awesome, congratulations' Then they ask what the book is about. This is the point where I start to feel a bit uncomfortable; I can see the change in their expression after telling them my story. Most people say 'I'm so sorry.....' , others show little emotion and just move on with business. It's been a busy, crazy, and extremely emotional experience sharing Jessica's Gift , but it's also been an incredibly positive experience of sharing Jessica’s Gift with the ‘world’ or at least a huge part of the east coast of Australia.
#watchoutbookworldJessica’sGiftisonitswaytoabookstorenearyou 😊
Unfortunately, child bereavement, like most things, is not discerning or judgmental in who it targets; anyone can become a victim, and often without warning. My intention for writing this book is to give hope to bereaved parents and to shed light on the struggles we face, giving an insight to non-bereaved parents. I have had incredibly positive feedback from bereaved parents regarding my book, so hopefully, my words might help you or someone you know who is struggling with life, following the death of their child.
My future is looking quite busy; I have a few author events at bookstores and there are other exciting things in the pipeline.
Watch This Space..